Happy New Years!

Published: Jan 1, 2020 by Shafil Alam


First, I want to tell everyone happy 2020, and a new decade! I cannot belive that we just finished the 2010s, they left it behind. Time goes by to fast.

The last decade

The 2010s were important to me because it was time I learned how to code and became a teenager. I have so many memories and times of enjoyment, and now we are about to start the 2020s.

The next decade

Every year, I try to be a better person, but this year is special, it is the next decade. A whole 10 years. I want to be a better person than the last decade! I want to be successful and pursuit my dreams. This, time I want to finish HaxPro and continue devolping it. I want to this decade to be the best one.


I hope you can take from this, and pursuit your dreams. Nothing is stopping you, do it! For one last time, Happy New Years. Thank you.

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Info on release v0.3

This release contains a brand new UI design which is easier to use and a new editor! With this release, you need to install the HaxPro SDK in order to compile and run your apps.

Happy New Years!
Happy New Years!


First, I want to tell everyone happy 2020, and a new decade! I cannot belive that we just finished the 2010s, they left it behind. Time goes by to fast.