Install CLI
AutoShorts comes with a CLI interface that allows you to generate videos with a simple command line interface. The CLI is built with Node.js and relies on the JS interface.
Note: Since LLMs can hallucinate and are not deterministic, the videos may not generate the expected output. You can manually edit the JSON output to fix the issue.
Install the package globally
npm install -g auto-shorts
Download the necessary resources (to './res' folder by default)
npx auto-shorts --download
Generate a video with AI (will find the necessary resources in the './res' folder)
You have options to use different AI tools to generate the script, voice, and image.
- Use OpenAI gpt-4o-mini to generate the script, ElevenLabs to generate the voice, and Pexels to generate the image
npx auto-shorts -p "make a news short about TypeScript" --aiType OpenAIGen --ttsType ElevenLabs --imageType Pexels --elevenLabsAPIKey YOUR_ELEVENLABS_API_KEY --pexelsAPIKey YOUR_PEXELS_API_KEY --openaiAPIKey YOUR_OPENAI_API_KEY
- Use local Ollama llama3.2 to generate the script, Built-in TTS to generate the voice, and Google Scraper to generate the image (default, no need to provide API keys)
npx auto-shorts -p "make a news short about TypeScript"
You can also run the command interactively and provide the necessary information when prompted:
npx auto-shorts
For help
npx auto-shorts --help
Example output (v0.2.0-dev):
AutoShorts AI video generator (CLI Edition)
Generate AI videos of different types based on a prompt.
--download Download models needed for AI generation.
--server Start API server. IP and port comes from env
--deleteTemp Delete temporary video files.
-p, --prompt text The prompt to use for the AI to generate video.
--aiType type The AI provider to use. Can be OpenAIGen,
GoogleAIGen, AnthropicAIGen, OllamaAIGen.
--ttsType type The TTS provider to use. Can be ElevenLabs,
BuiltinTTS, NeetsTTS.
--imageType type The image provider to use. Can be Pexels,
GoogleScraper, FluxAI.
--orientation orientation The orientation of the video. (vertical,
--tempPath path The temporary path to save video files. (default:
--resPath path The path to the resources directory. (default:
--jsonFile path The JSON file to use for video generation.
Overrides AI.
-h, --help Print this usage guide.
TTS Options
--ttsMaleVoice voice TTS male voice to use. If applicable.
--ttsFemaleVoice voice TTS female voice to use If applicable.
--ttsVoiceModel model TTS voice model to use. If applicable.
Image Options
--imgAIModel model AI model to use for image generation. If applicable.
--imgAIPrompt prompt AI suffix prompt to use for image generation. If
Subtitle Options
--subtitleLen number Subtitle token length override.
--subFontName font Subtitle font name override.
--subFontSize number Subtitle font size override.
--subFontColor color Subtitle font color override.
--subStrokeColor color Subtitle stroke color override.
--subStrokeWidth number Subtitle stroke width override
Advanced Options
--changePhotos Change photos in video. Used to prevent
overriding wanted photos (default: true)
--disableTTS Disable TTS in video. Used to prevent
overriding wanted TTS (default: false)
--bgMusic path Use custom background music.
--bgVideo path Use custom background video. If applicable.
--noBgVideo Disable background video. (default: false)
--noBgMusic Disable background music. (default: false)
--useMock Use mock JSON data. (default: false)
--disableSubtitles Disable subtitles in video. (default: false)
--systemPromptOverride text Override system prompt. May not work with all
AI types.
--openAIEndpoint endpoint OpenAI endpoint URL to use. If applicable.
--model model AI model to use. If applicable.
API Keys
--elevenlabsAPIKey key Eleven Labs API key. If applicable.
--pexelsAPIKey key Pexels API key. If applicable.
--neetsAPIKey key Neets API key. If applicable.
--openaiAPIKey key OpenAI API key. If applicable.
--googleaiAPIKey key Google AI API key. If applicable.
--anthropicAPIKey key Anthropic AI API key. If applicable.
Created by Shafil Alam.